Open Seminar in Frontier of Nuclear Physics21 Dec 2023
【NO. 61】Origin of the new properties in neutron rich nuclei - From measurements of radii to changes of shell structure
Isao Tanihata
Radioactive Isotope Beams nuclear radii neutron halo neutron skin
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报告题目:Origin of the new properties in neutron rich nuclei - From measurements of radii to changes of shell structure


主办方:复旦大学 - 核科学与技术系/现代物理研究所、核物理与离子束应用教育部重点实验室、国家自然科学基金委-理论物理专款上海核物理理论研究中心

协办方: Nuclear Science and Techniques

摘要:Since the development of Radioactive Isotope Beams (RIB), nuclear radii of neutron rich nuclei have been studied extensively. In addition, other developments of structures of nuclei far from the stability line by RIB leaded many discoveries such as neutron halo, neutron skin, .., and change of magic numbers. Those new features of nuclear structure require new development in nuclear theories. One of the new ingredients is the tensor forces that was not treated explicitly in the structure studies until recently. In the present seminar, I am going to show the meaning of new structures of nuclei and try to explain the tensor forces as an origin of such structure changes.

报 告 人: Isao Tanihata(谷畑勇夫)教授


报告人简介:Prof. Isao Tanihata is a Professor in Beihang university, China and also a specially appointed Professor in RCNP Osaka University, Japan. He has been working in various field of science, including Nuclear Structure using radioactive ion beams, high-energy heavy-ion collisions, nuclear astrophysics, etc. The total number of publications in scientific journals is 463. The total citation number listed in Google Scholar is 27346 with 61 papers cited more than 100 times and 108 papers cited more than 50 times. H-index is 79. (in 2023) listed in the "world top 2% scientists" of Stanford university.

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